
Hiking the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) Northbound in 2013- sharing my preparation for the hike and my day to day experience while I'm on the trail. Inspiring people to follow their dreams.



Tomorrow is my Birthday.  I’m going to be 34 years old.

Birthdays are always the time that you start reflecting on life and what you’ve accomplished so far and what you still want to accomplish before your next one.  I can say that this will be one of my best birthdays ever because I told my self last year that I would be a more evolved person next year.  I can say that I’ve accomplished it.  I’m 60 lbs. lighter, stronger and more determined then ever.  I have also done something which you might not think is good, but I have scared the shit out of myself.  I have changed my life drastically and I am flipping out.  I have no real residence, no job, no income, no car and all of my belongings fit into 8 large Tupperware bins.  Funny thing is, that this will probably be one of the best years of my life.

It hasn’t been an easy year by any means and the last month has tested my resolve like none other.  It’s challenged me to see if I’m really committed to the big trip and the change of lifestyle I have for the next 5 months and beyond.  Where will I be this time next year??  Who knows but I know for certain that I will keep living, keep dreaming and then keep doing.  A dream is just that, a dream, unless you put it into action.

For this birthday, I wish happiness for me, my family and for all of you.  I want all of you to go out there and hug someone you love, call a friend instead of sending him or her a Facebook message and do something good for another person.  Do good.  Because this time next year I will be a different person… who will you be?

6 thoughts on “34

  1. Happy Birthday Pete! I know the next year is going to be an amazing one for you! I cannot wait to read about your journey!!! Good luck!!!

  2. Happy birthday, great job on all the milestones you reached!

  3. Happy birthday, you crazy whipper snapper!

  4. Love ya pete. Proud of you.

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